Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. ~Eph. 5:1, 2

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Are you Busy, Busy, Busy?

Do you ever find that life is rushing you by? Quite often when I ask someone how they are doing the word busy flies out of their mouth. "Oh, we're so busy" or "I don't have anytime for anything these days, life is moving too fast. I guess I'm just too busy." Sound familiar? Do you find it hard to get together with friends, have a date night with your husband, sit and read a book to your children, or even for your own pleasure? Believe me, I am just as guilty!

I took a picture out my front door this morning to capture the beautiful fall colors. The season comes and goes so quickly, and often when I am so busy with life I forget to stop and appreciate the change. I also forget to stop and thank God for creating such beauty for us to enjoy.

Setting boundaries and placing priorities are vital but not always easy to do when so many things in life are vying for our attention. I remember several years ago talking to an older friend of mine on how she fit in quiet times with the Lord when her kids were young and always interrupting. She told me she took her Bible in when she took a bath. The door was locked and the kids were not allowed to come in. She had her time alone with God. She knew she had to be creative or the busyness and chaos of the day would rule her time. I would like to challenge you to not only be creative with your time, but protective. It might be time to go on a purge. Look at your day and purge unnecessary events that rob your time from your family, your friends, and most important, God.

Think about the fact that as busy as Jesus was with his ministry and people pressing in all around just to touch His garments, he still found time to get away to be with the Father. He made it a priority and knew how important it was. Jesus tells us to come to him, all that are weary and heavy laden and he will give us rest. In order to find rest we need to find time come to him.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kelli & Aaron's ministry trip to Canada

Aaron was invited by an organization called LifeLinks to come and teach them about discipleship.  LifeLinks is an international group of christians and churches, reaching Europe, Africa, Canada, and the U.S., to name a few. I didn't know what to expect, as we flew to Calgary and then drove 3 hours to Medicine Hat where the conference was.  I don't usually get to go with Aaron when he travels. Upon arrival, I experienced first hand the "family of God." It was as if I had been reunited with long lost relatives.  The connection of our hearts and spirits was overwhelming!  Aaron spoke 5 different times, with breakout sessions, and those that heard seemed hugely impacted.  Some never before knowing a practical way of doing discipleship where they served in ministry.  Lights started turning on in people's hearts and minds, and you could feel the excitement stirring within people!  Now, they had tools to take back to their homes on how to reach and care for the people in their churches and groups---how to invest into those people's lives in such a way, that they in turn, would then be able to invest in others, and so on.  How exciting it was to be a part of!  God is so good...and who are we that He would ask us to take part in that.  To be used by Him to reach these people... Wow...God is at work all around our little group on the Palouse.  We are a part of something much bigger!
~Kelli Couch

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I was really caught by something Aaron said a few weeks ago while preaching on prayer. He asked us how much time we spend talking to God and how much time we spend listening. I've thought about that a lot since then. Do I listen to God enough? Do I listen enough to know and understand His voice? James 1:19 tells us that we should be quick to listen and slow to speak.

I watched a documentary one time on penguins. These particular penguins find a mate and mate for life. Every year they go back to the same area to find their mates. Literally thousands of penguins come to this area at the same time. The only way their mate is able to find them is to listen for their voice. They all the penguins cry out and in the midst of all the chaos, they listen for the sound of the voice of their mate. They move toward the voice they recognize and are once again reunited.

In John 10:27 Jesus says, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me." Do you know God's voice? Do you listen long enough to recognize and distinguish His voice from all the other voices that are shouting? Just like the penguins, we live in a world where so many voices are shouting for our time, our relationships, our money, our priorities, and the list goes on. In the midst of the chaos, do you hear His voice?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

When Life Brings Change

I cried the other night, deep sobs of tears that flowed down my face and dripped from the end of my nose. My sweet husband hugged me and asked me what was wrong. "Nothing," I replied, in which he said, "I don't believe you." After my sniveling had settled down, we had a good long talk to uproot the meaning behind the tears. And it was, of course, change. We recently graduated our last child and he moved away.  Our oldest just got engaged and will marry this coming April; more change. Our middle child will graduate from college this May and plans to move away; again more change. Our house is now empty of the pattering of children's feet we had enjoyed for the past 24 years. Which brings me to my question: How do we handle change? How do we handle change in a godly way?

I am reminded of what Paul says in Philippians chapter four where he speaks on contentment. He says, "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstance...I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation...I can do everything through Him (Jesus) who gives me strength."

This is my new circumstance, whether I like it or not, I have, like Paul, a new opportunity to be content and look back on what I am thankful for. We raised three children who are all serving the Lord. Our daughter is getting ready to marry a godly man and begin establishing a home rooted on the foundations of Jesus Christ. I have a wonderful godly husband to grow old with. 

How do you handle change? Do you find yourself upset or angry over changes that have occurred? Did you lose your job? Did you miscarry a child? Did your husband or boyfriend leave you? Change in our lives is often painful and not easily dealt with. A dear friend of mine lost her husband a little over a year ago. He was hit head on by a drunk driver. The drunk lived, and her husband was killed instantly...change. Her life was forever altered. What about growing old together? What about seeing his grandkids for the first time? Gone. Life had and would be forever changed for my dear friend. She could have allowed that change to make her bitter, angry at God for taking her husband in the prime of his life. But she didn't. She sought the Lord. Poured deep into His word. Found comfort in her Savior. It hasn't been easy, in fact, it has been very, very difficult. But she told me that she relies on God's promise that His grace is sufficient for this day and through that day she learns to be content in the one who gives her life.