Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. ~Eph. 5:1, 2

Sunday, July 1, 2012

What's Up?

What's up with women's ministries you might ask? Well...quite a lot. We have some upcoming activities you are going to want to get on your calendar.

July 17th- Women's small group summer studies begin! Click on the care group bar above to find out all the studies happening for the summer.

July 18th- Popcorn & Movie Night at the Nuart Theatre! Come join the Lifergals for a night at the movies. We will meet & gab in the foyer for about an hour, then head into the theatre room to watch a movie along with free popcorn! Don't miss out & bring your friends. This would be a great event for your "non-churched" friends.

August 24th- Dessert Wars and Auction- Back by popular demand, only this time the men will be involved, too! Cook up your favorite dessert times 2; one to taste and one to auction off. Get ready for a night of deliciousness. Four categories to choose from: Cakes, Pies, Cookies, and Confections.

September 15th- This is "Kick-Off" Sunday for getting signed up for women's small group studies for the fall. Check out the women's ministry table at church to get connected.

September 30th- Speed Friending- Another "back by popular demand". Ever feel lost in the crowd? Here is a great way to get to know lots of women in a relatively short period of time. Join us for a friending frenzy!

November 2nd-4th- Women's Retreat- Join us at Camp Sanders for a weekend retreat! Just a 40 minute drive from Moscow, come enjoy time away with God. $80 for a weekend you won't want to miss. Start saving now!

January 26th- Tea Time- Even if you don't like tea, you won't want to miss this event; just the food alone should be enough to tempt anyone! The tables will be elegantly set by each hostess. Sign up early for this event, so you're not left sipping cider on the sidelines!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Women's Ministry Update

Nearly 100 women met on May 19th to learn and share about our identity in Christ. We often live with the baggage we've carried through the years. It weighs us down with shame, guilt and fear. But God has given us a new name. We are his adopted daughters with the new names of redeemed, beauty, forgiven, and bride.

 It was exciting to see and meet so many different women. When there are three service times to choose from on a Sunday morning, it is not always easy to connect with everyone. Check back soon for more exciting opportunities to get connected. Our team is meeting June 4th to put together our summer calendar full of great ways to come together and enjoy one another!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter at Beasley & Upcoming Events

Wow! What a beautiful Easter worshiping our Savior! What a privilege to be a part of a church body where people are willing to be transparent in order for others to see God glorified. The Spirit was at work in a profound way; praise Jesus!

Our next big upcoming event will be on April 21st for an all community service day. Please sign up on the church website or call the church for more details.

Mark May 19th on your calendars for our first annual "Women's Day Retreat". It will be held at Bridge Bible church in Moscow from 9-4:30. The theme this year is "Our Identity in Christ." Tickets will be sold every Sunday, beginning April 15th, or may be purchased through the church office. Tickets are $12, which includes lunch. Scholarships are available. Please contact the church office if you need a scholarship.